







├─涉佛英文论文-1 (0 folders, 288 files, 4.09 GB, 4.09 GB in total.)
│   A brief history of Chinese translation theory9225772.pdf 7.07 MB
│   A Buddha-shaped hole Yinshun's (1906--2005) critical Buddhology and the theological crisis in modern Chinese Buddhism.3251535.pdf 19.85 MB
│   A Buddhist readingNR39335.pdf 14.87 MB
│   A Buddhist response to modernization in Thailand9532590.pdf 10.15 MB
│   A Chin history of the encounter with British colonial rule3405947.pdf 10.50 MB
│   A Christian apologetic to a Buddhist Christ1474546.pdf 280.51 KB
│   A classical Chinese perspective toward literature9620036.pdf 11.58 MB
│   A comparative study of Buddhist version of the Epic of Gesar of Ling. (Volumes I and II).9519140.pdf 18.71 MB
│   A comparison of rhetorical patterns in contemporary Chinese and American argumentation and persuasion9988404.pdf 8.76 MB
│   A comparison of the theory and practice of Jungian,9962478.pdf 17.00 MB
│   A critical analysis of Buddhist inclusivism towards religious3039014.pdf 8.72 MB
│   A critical exegesis and translation of Zhu Xi's critique of Buddhism, as found in the 126th chapter of the Zhuzi Yulei MR05415.pdf 7.49 MB
│   A critical study on Yinguang and his reconstruction of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism3362957.pdf 22.46 MB
│   A Daoist way of transcendence Bai Yuchan's inner 3139400.pdf 16.63 MB
│   A descriptive study of how English is used and learned linguistically and culturally in a Taiwanese Buddhist monastery in Los Angeles3291263.pdf 1.77 MB
│   A Forest for a Thousand Years Cultivating Life and Disciplining Death at Daihonzan Sojiji, a Japanese Soto Zen Temple3492914.pdf 16.26 MB
│   A geopolitics of intimacy and anxiety Religion, territory, and fertility in Jammu and Kashmir3354964.pdf 2.43 MB
│   A grounded theory of building capacity in organizational leadership through the cultivation of awareness, attention, and caring3423970.pdf 1.34 MB
│   A groundwork for normative unity Zhu Xi's reformation 3312611.pdf 14.75 MB
│   A groundwork for normative unity Zhu Xi's reformation of the Learning of the Way tradition.3312611.pdf 14.75 MB
│   A historiographic and ethnographic study of xianghua heshang (incense and flower monks) in the Meixian Region (China)3173134.pdf 15.03 MB
│   A history of Tibetan nationalism and Sino-Tibetan relations9531591.pdf 52.06 MB
│   A linguistic analysis of the twenty-nine kinds of Dui (couplets) in Bunkyo Hifuron3362945.pdf 11.82 MB
│   A logic of sense, nonsense, and sacrament Gilles Deleuze and a transfiguration of the commonplace3073683.pdf 7.60 MB
│   A mission strategy for confronting spiritual principalities in Japan9839730.pdf 11.92 MB
│   A Modern Religion The State, the People, and the Remaking of Buddhism in Urban China Today3435577.pdf 13.95 MB
│   A portrait of an Obaku monk The life and religion of Jifei Ruyi (1616-1671)1467772.pdf 649.75 KB
│   A proposal for the Korean church's mission strategy 9228120.pdf 8.44 MB
│   A qualitative study of Buddhist informed psychotherapists3316923.pdf 4.30 MB
│   A Study into the Practice of Ancestor Rites among the 3529118.pdf 28.85 MB
│   A study of Ashoka Maurya of India How his conversion to Buddhism affected the history of India1429555.pdf 1.91 MB
│   A study of suzi (popular forms of characters) in lexicons and rhyming dictionaries of Song dynasty3254508.pdf 48.53 MB
│   A study of the calligraphy of Buddhist and Daoist 3240974.pdf 32.15 MB
│   A study of the construction of cultural authenticity in 3475495.pdf 3.43 MB
│   A study of the evolution of k'an-hua Ch'an in Sung China Yuan-wu K'o-ch'in (1063-1135) and the function of kung-an in Ch'an pedagogy and praxis9321903.pdf 11.36 MB
│   A study of the mind in conflict A methodological novel exploring radical transformations of consciousness.3432855.pdf 915.06 KB
│   A study of the music tradition and its contemporary 3052096.pdf 22.69 MB
│   A study of the music tradition and its contemporary3052096.pdf 22.69 MB
│   A study of Yongming Yanshou's The Profound Pivot of Contemplation of Mind.3057477.pdf 18.68 MB
│   A study on the traditioning model of Christian religious education in the Korean context.8924377.pdf 3.44 MB
│   A trend in global media ethics, Theravada Buddhist1472871.pdf 634.59 KB
│   A world according to Pana-Wave Laboratory An 3203112.pdf 2.25 MB
│   A zen approach to the psychological and pastoral care of dying persons9524414.pdf 5.52 MB
│   Absence of thought - presence of mind1409116.pdf 5.36 MB
│   Adapting the Buddha's Biographies A Cultural History 3499005.pdf 63.21 MB
│   Adapting the Buddha's Biographies A Cultural History of the Wish-Fulfilling Vine in Tibet, Seventeenth to Eighteenth Centuries3499005.pdf 63.21 MB
│   Aesthetic constructs and the work of play in 20th century Latin American and Russian literature3435470.pdf 9.05 MB
│   Alan Watts' theological anthropology and its implications for religious educationMM67723.pdf 4.33 MB
│   Allen Ginsberg's oral poetry Performance, spontaneity3205096.pdf 9.00 MB
│   Alternative development on the Tibetan plateau The case of the slaughter renunciation movement3507992.pdf 2.84 MB
│   Ambedkar and the Indian Communists The absence of conciliationMR50551.pdf 7.06 MB
│   American Buddhism as identity and practice Scholarly classifications of Buddhists in the United States1468500.pdf 4.42 MB
│   American encyclopedic narratives Thoreau, Melville, Pynchon3021390.pdf 9.10 MB
│   Americanising the Buddha The World's Parliament of Religions, Paul Carus, and the making of modern Buddhism9710032.pdf 21.14 MB
│   Amidaji Mortuary art, architecture, and rites of 3284568.pdf 1.73 MB
│   Amidaji Mortuary art, architecture, and rites of Emperor Antoku's temple.3284568.pdf 1.73 MB
│   An analysis and integration of the Adlerian view of social3377783.pdf 3.36 MB
│   An anarchist psychotherapy Ecopsychology and a3316309.pdf 4.02 MB
│   An annotated translation of Wonch'uk's Commentary on the Heart Sutra3102982.pdf 21.06 MB
│   An annotated translation of Yan Yu's Canglang shihua 9633120.pdf 17.76 MB
│   An annotated translation of Yan Yu's Canglang shihua An early thirteenth-century Chinese poetry manual.9633120.pdf 17.76 MB
│   An ethical study of genetic intervention based on Rawlsian justice and on Buddhism3230198.pdf 2.21 MB
│   An examination of self-compassion in relation to process3372613.pdf 1.21 MB
│   An exploration of modern consumer society and a guide towards mindful consuming3305568.pdf 5.16 MB
│   An impossible demand Deconstructive ethics and Zen Buddhist discourse.1428235.pdf 3.39 MB
│   An impossible demand Deconstructive ethics and Zen Buddhist discourse1428235.pdf 3.39 MB
│   An inquiry into the value of engaged Zen Buddhism in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh for nursing ethics3209691.pdf 10.50 MB
│   An integral inquiry into the meaning of early attachment experiences for American Zen Buddhists3356187.pdf 721.22 KB
│   An interpretation of Chinese Buddhism by the Protestant missionaries from late Ching dynasty to the Republic of China3326135.pdf 15.84 MB
│   An investigation of the impact of Buddhist martial arts3222044.pdf 3.53 MB
│   An on-the-job mindfulness-based intervention for pediatric ICU nurses.3566323.pdf 4.25 MB
│   An uncanny nature Taking a side road to aesthetic appreciation of environment.3409288.pdf 693.06 KB
│   Analysis of esotericism in selected Japanese3015347.pdf 12.75 MB
│   Ancestors, authority, and history Chan lineage in the writings of Qisong (1007--1072)3145562.pdf 12.84 MB
│   Ancestors, virgins, and friars The localization of Christianity in Late Imperial Mindong (Fujian, China), 1632--18633063485.pdf 25.13 MB
│   Ancestral spirit mediumship in southern Thailand The nora performance as a symbol of the south on the periphery of a Buddhist nation-state3184494.pdf 27.52 MB
│   Ancient iron smelting technology and the settlement pattern in the Kiri Oya Basin in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka3467591.pdf 11.01 MB
│   Answering the call of tradition The root-seeking 9225775.pdf 5.36 MB
│   Arching Backward, and, A cross-cultural study of mysticism as the context for a phenomenological study Arching Backward9300082.pdf 10.17 MB
│   Architectural representation of the Pure Land Constructing the cosmopolitan temple complex from Nagarjunakonda to Bulguksa3462183.pdf 49.04 MB
│   Art as visual literacy in literati's shishuhua poetry3498544.pdf 7.60 MB
│   Art for Healing; Art for Consciousness Change1494889.pdf 52.93 MB
│   Art, religion and politics Dunhuang Cave 2209733371.pdf 16.25 MB
│   Artful encounters with nature Ecological and spiritual dimensions of music learning3406782.pdf 4.36 MB
│   Ascending Mount Tai Social and cultural interactions in9906278.pdf 15.11 MB
│   Assembled identities Transformation of identity in Tibetan Buddhist three-year retreats3508084.pdf 17.36 MB
│   Attaining the Dao An analysis of the conversion3399093.pdf 2.94 MB
│   August Strindberg and Hermann Hesse pan-Nordic3346199.pdf 3.39 MB
│   Authority and autonomy Extending the boundaries of women through Thai dance.9970936.pdf 10.70 MB
│   B. R. Ambedkar, Karl Marx, and the Neo-Buddhist revival1458438.pdf 943.14 KB
│   Bankei and his world.9127870.pdf 23.45 MB
│   Barriers in conversion (missional and indigenous barriers) Identifying the potential barriers contributing to the stagnant progress of evangelistic works among the Burman Buddhists3415768.pdf 13.45 MB
│   Beginning and development of Buddhist education in 3474265.pdf 5.29 MB
│   Beginning and development of Buddhist education in Vietnam3474265.pdf 5.29 MB
│   Between Family and State Networks of Literati, Clergy, and Villagers in Shanxi, North China, 1200--14003467849.pdf 32.42 MB
│   Between Localism and Nationalism Two contemporary examples of Thai Temple Art and Architecture in Northern ThailandNR80381.pdf 16.90 MB
│   Beyond Buddhist and Brahmanical activity The place of 3244913.pdf 76.71 MB
│   Beyond Buddhist and Brahmanical activity3244913.pdf 76.71 MB
│   Beyond magic An analytic art therapy case study of the psychoaesthetic dynamics in the Buddhist Tantric kalacakra and Vodoun veve sacred drawings3129391.pdf 10.98 MB
│   Bodies and self-inflicted violence in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century China3305782.pdf 8.55 MB
│   Bodies of Buddhas and princes at the Xiangtangshan9629288.pdf 26.04 MB
│   Body, burning and cremation Cremation and bodyMQ84255.pdf 5.63 MB
│   Boundaries of the Dao Hanshan Deqing's (1546--1623)3431382.pdf 11.53 MB
│   Bridging East-West perspectives through an application of mindfulness meditation3481551.pdf 964.52 KB
│   Brushstroke Cultural icon and commercial image.3006989.pdf 15.38 MB
│   Buddha-nature Through the eyes of Go rams pa Bsod3076898.pdf 8.77 MB
│   Buddhas and bodhisattvas Emanators and emanated3268931.pdf 24.58 MB
│   Buddhism and education in Burma Varying conditions for a social ethos in the path to nibbana.3169805.pdf 567.39 KB
│   BUDDHISM AND TAOISM IN THE POETRY OF SU SHI (1036--1101)8723003.pdf 9.60 MB
│   Buddhism and the supernatural tale in early medieval China A study of Liu Yiqing's (403--444) You ming lu3278867.pdf 18.29 MB
│   Buddhism in early Tokugawa Japan The case of Obaku Zen and the monk Tetsugen Doko.9333724.pdf 17.40 MB
│   Buddhism in some American poets Dickinson, Williams, Stevens and Snyder.3321234.pdf 7.81 MB
│   Buddhism in some American poets Dickinson, Williams, Stevens and Snyder3321234.pdf 7.81 MB
│   Buddhism in Taiwan An historical survey9701421.pdf 20.23 MB
│   Buddhism, colonialism and the boundaries of religion Theravada Buddhism in Burma, 1885--19203362316.pdf 4.57 MB
│   Buddhism, history and power The Jewel Translucent Sutra and the formation of Mongol identity (Anda, China).9993532.pdf 26.11 MB
│   Buddhism, pragmatism, and the ethics of experience Case studies on kamma in the Udana3078801.pdf 7.60 MB
│   Buddhism, war, and nationalism Chinese monks in the struggle against Japan, 1931--19453129361.pdf 18.13 MB
│   Buddhist Buda or Buda Buddhists Conversion, religious3169808.pdf 2.80 MB
│   Buddhist Buda or Buda Buddhists Conversion3169808.pdf 2.80 MB
│   Buddhist cognition A study of the Bashi guiju song3383722.pdf 3.98 MB
│   Buddhist cults in Silla Korea in their Northeast Asian3024154.pdf 26.79 MB
│   Buddhist discourse in traditional Vietnam3004692.pdf 14.51 MB
│   Buddhist empires Sam&dotbelow;gha-state relations 3382691.pdf 6.22 MB
│   Buddhist Enlightenment experience A Buddhist study.3158298.pdf 10.84 MB
│   Buddhist Enlightenment experience A Buddhist study3158298.pdf 10.84 MB
│   Buddhist medicine in medieval China Disease, healing3410115.pdf 5.71 MB
│   Buddhist monastic education and regional revival3294050.pdf 19.27 MB
│   Buddhist pilgrimage and religious resurgence in contemporary Vietnam3303280.pdf 9.81 MB
│   Buddhist resources in pastoral care3270209.pdf 11.30 MB
│   Buddhist sculpture of Wu Yueh, 907-978 Chinese9136569.pdf 27.25 MB
│   Buddhist translation procedures in third-century China9636133.pdf 13.57 MB
│   Buddhist Zen Different approaches.1451518.pdf 3.05 MB
│   Buddhist Zen Different approaches1451518.pdf 3.05 MB
│   Buddhist-Christian dialogue as theological exchange An3601122.pdf 4.09 MB
│   Buddhists discuss science in modern China (1895--1949)3408077.pdf 4.42 MB
│   Buddhists in ethnopolitical conflict Examining belief systems of non-violence and compassionMQ93831.pdf 3.28 MB
│   Building a sacred mountain Buddhist monastic3231421.pdf 33.30 MB
│   Bureaucrats, gentlemen, poets The role of poetry in the literati culture of tenth--eleventh century China (960--1022).3110182.pdf 9.34 MB
│   Burning for the Buddha Self-immolation in Chinese Buddhism3005933.pdf 23.15 MB
│   Byways in Chinese Buddhism The Book of Trapusa and indigenous scriptures9505025.pdf 15.12 MB
│   Cakkravatiy Anuruddha and the Buddhist Oikoumene3288103.pdf 17.70 MB
│   Can wisdom be taught Uncovering the truths of Chan Buddhism in the teachings of Greek philosophy3175028.pdf 15.73 MB
│   Candrakirti and the moon-flower of Nalanda Objectivity and self-correction in India's central therapeutic philosophy of language3005753.pdf 32.42 MB
│   Candrakirti and the moon-flower of Nalanda Objectivity3005753.pdf 32.42 MB
│   Casting shadows Dalit assertion in Indian literature3108403.pdf 15.57 MB
│   Cataphatic emptiness rGyal-tshab on the Buddha3317565.pdf 32.00 MB
│   Central Asian Buddhist painting An analysis of borrowings and the proposal of a Central Asian style1356078.pdf 4.17 MB
│   Ch'en Hung-shou's Elegant Gathering A late Ming9827494.pdf 12.00 MB
│   Chan (Zen) sickness and the master's role in its diagnosis, treatment, and prevention3508093.pdf 1.75 MB
│   Chan Buddhism in Song-dynasty China (960-1279) The rise of the Caodong tradition and the formation of the Chan school9929647.pdf 26.21 MB
│   Chan Grove remarks on poetry by Wang Shizhen A discussion and translationMQ73941.pdf 4.93 MB
│   Chanting the Amitabha Sutra in Taiwan Tracing the origin and the evolution of Chinese Buddhism services in monastic communities3068682.pdf 5.26 MB
│   Chih-li (960-1028) and the formation of orthodoxy in the Sung T'ien-t'ai tradition of Buddhism.9332639.pdf 14.92 MB
│   Chinese Buddhist bibliography9532285.pdf 8.79 MB
│   Chinese Ch'an (Zen) Buddhist monasticism and its teaching9628376.pdf 15.60 MB
│   Chinese esoteric Buddhism Amoghavajra and the ruling elite3509915.pdf 4.91 MB
│   Chinese gong fu The embodied myth3421473.pdf 8.82 MB
│   Chinese Images of Body and Landscape Visualization3473750.pdf 23.31 MB
│   Chinese literati ethos and art education A cross-cultural study of the life, poetry, play, painting, pedagogy, and scholarship of the contemporary literatus Joseph Chen-ying Yen3106330.pdf 8.98 MB
│   Chinese literati ethos and art education A cross-cultural3106330 (1).pdf 8.98 MB
│   Chinese literati ethos and art education A cross-cultural3106330.pdf 8.98 MB
│   Choreography from the Outside Dance Experiments in Thinking, Perception, and Language after 1960.3524179.pdf 4.45 MB
│   Choreography from the Outside Dance Experiments in3524179.pdf 4.45 MB
│   Christian theology in a pluralistic context A3178383.pdf 25.11 MB
│   Christianity meets the Chinese religions A case study of Xu Dishan3066584.pdf 9.72 MB
│   Chuang Tsu and the problem of personal identity A study of identity and interrelatedness8912130.pdf 12.78 MB
│   Cliff notes Text and image at Baodingshan (China).3071117.pdf 15.29 MB
│   Coming together a universal sacred space1476754.pdf 10.42 MB
│   Common core thesis and a qualitative and quantitative 1492243.pdf 2.36 MB
│   Communities under construction Labor, land reform, and social change in nineteenth-century United States literature3235261.pdf 15.08 MB
│   Community development in historical perspectives Tianjin from the Qing to the People's Republic of China3315919.pdf 1.94 MB
│   Comparative study of professional development 9836152.pdf 6.24 MB
│   Compassion and moral guidance3198347.pdf 14.42 MB
│   Computational Approaches to the Translation of Buddhist 3514517.pdf 16.28 MB
│   Conceiving the Indian Buddhist patriarchs in China3324312.pdf 2.47 MB
│   Conceptual structures of moral experience in cross-cultural comparative analysis3179224.pdf 23.02 MB
│   Confucius on the couch Time-limited dynamic 3118200.pdf 2.88 MB
│   Connecting with the dakini and guru archetype within 3133573.pdf 17.29 MB
│   Consorts and revelation in eastern Tibet The auto biographical writings of the Treasure revealer Sera Khandro (1892--1940)3235125.pdf 31.50 MB
│   Constructing a transcultural bridge A look at the making of modern Japanese Buddhism in the Meiji period through the writings of Furukawa Rosen.1481136.pdf 330.73 KB
│   Contemplative Practices in the Museum Setting1530432.pdf 1.55 MB
│   Contesting imaginaires in death rituals during the Northern Song dynasty3300426.pdf 17.20 MB
│   Contextually speaking Tibetan literary discourse and social change in the People's Republic of China (1980--2000)3111875.pdf 43.99 MB
│   Control in a world of change Emotion and morality in a northern Thai town3361779.pdf 16.50 MB
│   Cosmos or chaos Theodicy, love, and existential choice3140477.pdf 53.62 MB
│   Cosmos, state and society Song dynasty arguments3265149.pdf 47.28 MB
│   Crafting women's religious experience in a patrilineal 9967482.pdf 18.95 MB
│   Creating Heresy (Mis)representation, Fabrication, and the Tachikawa-ryu3494252.pdf 2.43 MB
│   Critical Buddhism A Buddhist hermeneutics of practice.NR25253.pdf 18.58 MB
│   Critical Buddhism A Buddhist hermeneutics of practiceNR25253.pdf 18.58 MB
│   Crossing borders with Elias Amidon and Elizabeth3302966.pdf 21.03 MB
│   Crushed pearls The revival and transformation of the 3421427.pdf 12.56 MB
│   Cultivating selves Vipassana meditation and the 3338502.pdf 3.23 MB
│   Cultural change of Indian Pure Land Buddhist teaching3263516.pdf 2.13 MB
│   Daoxuan's vision of Jetavana Imagining a utopian monastery in early Tang (China, India)3073263.pdf 16.81 MB
│   Decline of the Law, death of the monk Buddhist texts and images in the Anyang Caves of late sixth-century China3187242.pdf 54.61 MB
│   Deconstruction, liminology and pragmatics of language in the Zhuangzi and in Chan Buddhism9921204.pdf 13.23 MB
│   Demographic transition in Thailand Political capacity matters3308421.pdf 20.85 MB
│   Depictions of difference History, gender, ritual and9542805.pdf 17.43 MB
│   Depictions of the narrative of the Buddha Dipankara and the hermit Sumedha in the art of Burma Myanmar1465289.pdf 10.09 MB
│   Descent of the Deities The Water-Land Retreat and the Transformation of the Visual Culture of Song-Dynasty (960-1279) Buddhism3566821.pdf 147.95 MB
│   Developing and evaluating a meditation and self-help9945882.pdf 8.32 MB
│   Dhamma Education The Transmission and Reconfiguration of the Sri Lankan Buddhist Tradition in TorontoNR75400.pdf 15.01 MB
│   Dharmaraksa and his work The impact of Central Asian9421597.pdf 13.47 MB
│   Dialectical behavior therapy, deconstructive contemplation1430616.pdf 622.97 KB
│   Dialogical transformation Exploring the creative possibilities of interreligious dialogue as a practice promoting soteriological growth.3510032.pdf 1.20 MB
│   Differentiating the pearl from the fish eye Ouyang Jingwu (1871--1943) and the revival of scholastic Buddhism3334824.pdf 3.53 MB
│   Directives in Sinhala An investigation of directive use1520862.pdf 3.84 MB
│   Discursive resources and collapsing polarities The religious thought of Tang dynasty scholar-officials3354194.pdf 8.21 MB
│   Distant origins Inscriptions of life in early Heidegger and the Zhuangzi.9940616.pdf 14.02 MB
│   Distant origins Inscriptions of life in early Heidegger9940616.pdf 14.02 MB
│   Divine impersonations Nyoirin Kannon in medieval Japan3332823.pdf 9.98 MB
│   Divine knowledge Buddhist mathematics according to3200372.pdf 6.30 MB
│   Doctrinal connection between panjiao schemata and human capacity for enlightenment in Jizang's and Kuiji's thought3222908.pdf 26.80 MB
│   Doing it for Him Religion and Tourism on Long Son3472277.pdf 9.45 MB
│   Domoto Insho (1891-1975) and Buddhist temple art in 20th century Japan3393612.pdf 47.77 MB
│   Dream beliefs in the Sarashina nikki A woman floating between ideals and reality1476954.pdf 1.54 MB
│   Dreams of wonder, dreams of deception Tension and resolution between Buddhism and shamanism in Tibetan cultureNQ76504.pdf 11.37 MB
│   Dressing up, dressing down Ethnic identity among the3356120.pdf 15.38 MB
│   Earth-shattering poems9806055.pdf 5.45 MB
│   Eastern martial arts and the cultivation of persuasive power1480551.pdf 1.83 MB
│   Educating monks Buddhism, politics and freedom of religion on China's southwest border3206317.pdf 14.95 MB
│   Education for mindfulness From the diary of a monkNR03163.pdf 9.74 MB
│   El busidmo zen, el yin yang y la ecologia en la obra de Alberto Blanco3217018.pdf 18.95 MB
│   Embodying the sacred Gender and monastic9938484.pdf 23.31 MB
│   Embracing fracture The Buddhist poetics of Allen Ginsberg and Norman Fischer3511347.pdf 2.40 MB
│   Embracing fracture The Buddhist poetics of Allen3511347.pdf 2.40 MB
│   Embracing oppositionMR75566.pdf 2.61 MB
│   Emergence of the Human Religious Icon in Early ChinaEmergence of the Human Religious Icon in Early China3446056.pdf 52.35 MB
│   Emily Dickinson and Buddhist thought1400968.pdf 1.47 MB
│   Emptiness, dependent co-arising and the constitution of society Towards a relational-processual sociology in the light of the Buddhist middle way perspective3062364.pdf 15.49 MB
│   Engaging religion An ethnography of three religious adherents in Taiwan's academic culture (China)3084924.pdf 11.86 MB
│   Establishing a pureland on Earth The Foguang Buddhist9972473.pdf 15.31 MB
│   Ethics in the Siks&dotbelow;asamuccaya A study in Mahayana moralityNQ78666.pdf 7.66 MB
│   Ethics, leadership, ethical leadership A study of Buddhist and American thoughts3455630.pdf 4.63 MB
│   Ethnicity and esoteric power Negotiating the Sino-Tibetan synthesis in Ming Buddhist painting3273004.pdf 35.69 MB
│   Evaluation of reduced toxicity of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone by extrusion processing as determined by the MTT bioassay using mammalian cell cultures3116564.pdf 14.94 MB
│   Everywhere empty Paradox and difference in critical thinking and process rhetoric9604365.pdf 5.59 MB
│   Existential consciousness, redemption, and Buddhist allusions in the work of Saul Bellow3405407.pdf 10.65 MB
│   Existential consciousness, redemption, and Buddhist3405407.pdf 10.65 MB
│   Experimental poetry in four author Tablada, de Campos, Padin and Brossa3567823.pdf 5.96 MB
│   Exploring the Training of Buddhist Teachers Implication3442859.pdf 5.56 MB
│   Expressing perfectivity in the history of pre-Song Chinese.3101431.pdf 12.80 MB
│   Facets of the life and teaching of Chan Master Yunmen Wenyan (864-949). (Volumes I and II)8920208.pdf 18.14 MB
│   Falling to pieces, emerging whole Suffering illness and healing renunciation in the Dge slong ma Dpal mo tradition3091747.pdf 10.18 MB
│   Father and son mindfulness The psychodynamics of3002374.pdf 11.22 MB
│   Feeding ghosts A study of the Yuqie yankou rite3351397.pdf 11.40 MB
│   Feeding hungry ghosts Food, family, and desire in stories by contemporary Chinese American women (Maxine Hong Kingston, Amy Tan, Lan Samantha Chang).3040686.pdf 14.99 MB
│   Feeding hungry ghosts Food, family, and desire in stories by contemporary Chinese American women (Maxine Hong Kingston, Amy Tan, Lan Samantha Chang)3040686.pdf 14.99 MB
│   Feeding hungry ghosts Food, family, and desire in3040686.pdf 14.99 MB
│   Feilaifeng and the flowering of Chinese Buddhist 3203254.pdf 46.60 MB
│   Fictions of enlightenment An intertextual study of Xiyou ji, Xiyou bu, and Honglou meng (China)9926449.pdf 14.03 MB
│   Filial piety with Chinese family teachings3264342.pdf 7.01 MB
│   Finding the heavenly way Ch'oe Che-u, Tonghak and 3199559.pdf 10.10 MB
│   Flesh and emptiness A study in comparative ontology and language9801274.pdf 12.39 MB
│   Following the grand paddle plan1474879.pdf 930.83 KB
│   Following unnamed rivers and ruminating on teaching as a vocationNN19652.pdf 5.28 MB
│   Following unnamed rivers and ruminating on teachingNN19652.pdf 5.28 MB
│   For the anxious thrill and serene satisfaction of good people Rethinking the Pali Mahavam&dotbelow;sa3245222.pdf 18.19 MB
│   For the memory of the hero is his second life Truth,9633700.pdf 12.82 MB
│   Foreign Echoes & Discerning the Soil Dual Translation3440565.pdf 19.81 MB
│   Four writers being political on their own terms FeministNR07601.pdf 20.10 MB
│   Fragile Virtue Interpreting Women's Monastic Practice in Early Medieval India3462642.pdf 29.05 MB
│   From Bodhgaya to Lhasa to Beijing The life and times of Sariputra (c.1335--1426), last abbot of Bodhgaya3414860.pdf 12.16 MB
│   From Kovils to Devales Patronage and Influence at Buddhist and Hindu Temples in Sri Lanka3469459.pdf 116.65 MB
│   From Romanticism to empire Changing British perceptions of Indian architecture throughout the long nineteenth century.1515064.pdf 26.25 MB
│   Gary Snyder's bioregionalism focusing on No Nature and Mountains and Rivers Without End3102824.pdf 11.81 MB
│   Gendered materialization An investigation of women's artistic and literary reproductions of Guanyin in late imperial China3460203.pdf 12.62 MB
│   Gendered materialization An investigation of women's3460203.pdf 12.62 MB
│   Getting saved in America Taiwanese immigrants converting to evangelical Christianity and Buddhism.3063320.pdf 9.52 MB
│   Giving primacy to the sacred Some implications for NQ84639.pdf 8.34 MB
│   Globalization, postmodernism, and fascism Reflections on ideology, urban space, and the cultural politics of global capital from Colombo and Los Angeles.9900049.pdf 15.33 MB
│   Grind the ink, wet the brush, dance the pine tree Reading and writing nature with Gary Snyder's Riprap and Mountains and Rivers Without End1454266.pdf 813.65 KB
│   Grounding the social aesthetics of Abstract Expressionism A new intellectual history of The Club3408216.pdf 853.64 KB
│   Handling Fate The Ru Discourse on Ming3567949.pdf 2.53 MB
│   Times, the Voice of Pines and Cedars. (Original composition)9317447.pdf 2.15 MB
├─涉佛英文论文-2 (0 folders, 265 files, 3.93 GB, 3.93 GB in total.)
│   Hanshan Deqing (1546-1623) on Buddhist ethics9511407.pdf 10.15 MB
│   Harmony but not sameness Toward a constructive 3246662.pdf 15.11 MB
│   Health perspectives of world religions An exploratory 1410956.pdf 4.48 MB
│   Heaven, Earth, and Man for orchestra (Original composition).3202029.pdf 1.06 MB
│   Hellenistic and Buddhist philosophy The egression of1460545.pdf 708.07 KB
│   Historical study of the inferiority consciousness widely observed among Japanese in the current society1432971.pdf 2.65 MB
│   Historicized ritual and ritualized history---women's lifecy3374782.pdf 3.10 MB
│   Historicized ritual and ritualized history---women's lifecycle in late Medieval China (600--1000 AD).3374782.pdf 3.10 MB
│   History, Material Culture and Auspicious Events at the Purple Cloud Buddhist Monasticism at Quanzhou Kaiyuan3464227.pdf 46.04 MB
│   History, Material Culture and Auspicious Events at the3464227.pdf 46.04 MB
│   Human dignity and social visibility A Christian social3199674.pdf 10.96 MB
│   Hunting the guru Lineage, culture and conflict in the development of Tibetan Buddhism in America3367332.pdf 5.95 MB
│   Icons of rulership Imperial portraiture during the Ming3445550.pdf 1.75 MB
│   Identity and Christ The ecclesiological and soteriological implications of Raimon Panikkar's cosmotheandric theology3499374.pdf 2.19 MB
│   Ikh Khuree A nomadic monastery and the later Buddhist3410849.pdf 3.04 MB
│   Illuminating Japan's sacred geography The Kongo-ji Sun-Moon Landscape Screens3028497.pdf 22.07 MB
│   Illusory abiding The life and work of Zhongfeng Mingben (1263--1323) (China)3194413.pdf 22.76 MB
│   Images of Liu Haichan The formation and transformatio3083171.pdf 9.61 MB
│   Images of Liu Haichan The formation and transformation of a Daoist immortal's iconography (China).3083171.pdf 9.61 MB
│   Imagining Nanyue A religious history of the Southern Marchmount through the Tang dynasty [618--907]3067932.pdf 30.53 MB
│   Imagining Nanyue A religious history of the Southern3067932.pdf 30.53 MB
│   Impact of HIV and AIDS on Elderly Caregivers in Chiang Mai, Thailand3567853.pdf 1.07 MB
│   In search of immortality Daoist inner alchemy in early twentieth-century China (China, Chen Yingning).3054773.pdf 20.21 MB
│   In the belly of the Tartar beast The Mongols and the3387035.pdf 1.18 MB
│   Informal credit systems in Cambodia1465342.pdf 761.94 KB
│   Institutions and development Evidence from Vietnam3362377.pdf 4.07 MB
│   Into the jaws of Yama, lord of death Death and identity in China and Tibet9990282.pdf 13.86 MB
│   Into the jaws of Yama, lord of death Death and identity9990282.pdf 13.86 MB
│   Invoking the source Nissaya manuscripts, pedagogy and sermon-making in northern Thai and Lao Buddhism3091636.pdf 25.84 MB
│   Islamic da' wa in Korea A study of Koreans' religious3571013.pdf 13.07 MB
│   Issues in Chinese Buddhist transmission as seen through the Lidai fabao ji (Record of the Dharma-Jewel Through the Ages).9837055.pdf 17.35 MB
│   Issues in Chinese Buddhist transmission as seen9837055.pdf 17.35 MB
│   Japanese Buddhism in an age of empire Mission and reform in colonial Korea, 1877--19313273504.pdf 3.85 MB
│   Japanese religions in the United States History and current practices1407068.pdf 2.59 MB
│   John Thompson, Phyllis Webb, and the roots of the free-verse ghazal in Canada.NR60125.pdf 10.34 MB
│   Journeys toward the original mind The longer poems of Gary Snyder8925558.pdf 10.51 MB
│   Journeys toward the original mind The longer poems8925558.pdf 10.51 MB
│   Jukoin Art, architecture, and mortuary culture at a Japanese Zen Buddhist temple9734243.pdf 20.92 MB
│   Kakunyo and the Making of Shinran and Shin Buddhism3491762.pdf 17.07 MB
│   Karman in Indian philosophy and Vasubandhu's exposition9631771.pdf 20.06 MB
│   Kingship and Buddhism in central Asia9733435.pdf 14.79 MB
│   Knowing that one knows The Buddhist doctrine of3051434.pdf 11.38 MB
│   Korean Christians and Won Buddhists in dialogue on suffering3351682.pdf 2.95 MB
│   Ksemendra's Bodhisattvavadanakalpalata A text-critical edition and translation of chapters one to five9106701.pdf 7.87 MB
│   Kubla Khan, The Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit3368825.pdf 520.26 KB
│   Lamps for the mind Illumination and innovation in dPal dbyangs's Mahayoga3393540.pdf 3.62 MB
│   Lay socio-religious associations in early medieval China3363684.pdf 8.05 MB
│   Leading a Polytheistic Faith to the Monotheistic God3443016.pdf 23.92 MB
│   Ledi Sayadaw, Abhidhamma, and the development of the modern insight meditation movement in Burma.3334825.pdf 9.10 MB
│   Li Tongxuan's (635--730) Thought and His Place in the Huayan Tradition of Chinese Buddhism3483183.pdf 14.74 MB
│   Like worms falling from a foul-smelling sore The Buddhist3299280.pdf 19.99 MB
│   Ling Dro Dechen Rolmo A Tibetan Buddhist dance.DP10878.pdf 12.63 MB
│   Ling Dro Dechen Rolmo A Tibetan Buddhist danceDP10878.pdf 12.63 MB
│   Literature (wen) as fusion of mind (xin) and DaoNR02767.pdf 13.82 MB
│   Liu Zhi's journey through ritual law to Allah's Chinese 3174789.pdf 27.49 MB
│   Localizing paradise Kumano pilgrimage in medieval Japan9961933.pdf 9.47 MB
│   Long-distance merit-making Art at a Thai Buddhist 9922765.pdf 19.74 MB
│   Long-distance trade and the transmission of Buddhism through northern Pakistan, primarily based on Kharosthi and Brahmi inscriptions3014007.pdf 24.87 MB
│   Looking back to point zero Reverence for the UnknownMR11939.pdf 6.03 MB
│   Love, equanimity and the cultivation of moral emotions3471460.pdf 7.27 MB
│   Loving-kindness meditation A tool for increasing social connectedness3382885.pdf 1.17 MB
│   Mahamayuri Explorations sur la creation d'une ecriture prototantriqueNQ78675.pdf 44.06 MB
│   Making sense of architecture A philosophical call for tectonic wholeness3178506.pdf 23.53 MB
│   Making the modern in religious America, 1870--1935.3170488.pdf 32.86 MB
│   Making the Old New Again and Again Legitimation and3560857.pdf 4.05 MB
│   Malady of meditation A prolegomenon to the study of illness and Zen.3331501.pdf 12.95 MB
│   Malady of meditation A prolegomenon to the study of illness and Zen3331501.pdf 12.95 MB
│   Malleable Mara Buddhism's Evil One in conversation and contestation with Vedic religion, Brahmanism, and Hinduism3402231.pdf 3.02 MB
│   Manchu-Tibetan relations in the early seventeenth century A reappraisal9500181.pdf 6.85 MB
│   Martin Heidegger's meditative thinking and Theravada 3093563.pdf 14.19 MB
│   Masao Abe and Buddhist-Christian dialogue3302419.pdf 18.27 MB
│   Mea maxima vikalpa Repentance, meditation, and the dynamics of liberation in medieval Chinese Buddhism, 500--650 CE3063598.pdf 12.55 MB
│   Measuring mindfulness in meditators and examining how aspects of meditation practice affect mindfulness.3537060.pdf 4.02 MB
│   Meditation and psychotherapy Integrating mindfulness and body-oriented awareness into therapy.1490263.pdf 323.76 KB
│   Meditation and the concept of insight in Kamalasila's Bhavanakramas (India).NQ88405.pdf 15.56 MB
│   Meditation in early Buddhism The interpretation of the developmental process of transformation3058276.pdf 8.05 MB
│   Meditation, psychotherapy, and writing poetry Three practices in mindfulness1492810.pdf 234.61 MB
│   Meditation, Repentance, and Visionary Experience in Early Medieval Chinese Buddhism3526590.pdf 7.83 MB
│   Memoir Growing down through the fictions of the3345847.pdf 10.68 MB
│   Memory, rhetoric, and education in the Great Lamp of the Dharma Dharan&dotbelow;i Scripture.3414874.pdf 18.99 MB
│   Merlin in the works of Edwin Arlington Robinson and Laurence Binyon.3095045.pdf 16.63 MB
│   Mimam&dotbelow;sakas and Madhyamikas against the Buddhist epistemologists3048363.pdf 22.57 MB
│   Mindful Leadership - A Phenomenological Study of Vietnamese Buddhist Monks in America with Respect to their Spiritual Leadership Roles and Contributions to Society3617063.pdf 6.50 MB
│   Mindfulness and countertransference management in therapist trainees3494726.pdf 508.98 KB
│   Mindfulness and lovingkindness meditation A comparative analysis3474226.pdf 624.35 KB
│   Mindfulness in music therapy clinical improvisation3124946.pdf 5.67 MB
│   Mindfulness meditation An integration of perspectives from Buddhism, science and clinical psychology3238289.pdf 5.68 MB
│   Mindfulness meditation Creative musical performance through awareness3208188.pdf 641.92 KB
│   Mindfulness practices for today's leaders Reducing stress and improving heart health3520937.pdf 15.88 MB
│   Mindfulness, compassion, and the nature of self A study of Vipassana meditation in context3357637.pdf 2.43 MB
│   Ming Buddhism in Edo Japan The Chinese founding masters of the Japanese Obaku school3214174.pdf 18.70 MB
│   Miracles and superhuman powers in South Asian Buddhist 3343065.pdf 10.89 MB
│   Missio Dei in the religious and cultural milieu of Northeast Asia3217189.pdf 14.86 MB
│   Mixing minds Interpersonal relationships between Tibetan Buddhist lamas and their Western students3365055.pdf 17.04 MB
│   Mixing minds Interpersonal relationships between3365055.pdf 17.04 MB
│   Mobile mindfulness Practicing digital religion on1539373.pdf 2.39 MB
│   Models of Authorship and Text-making in Early China3540361.pdf 6.63 MB
│   Models of Teaching and the Teaching of Models3125630.pdf 18.83 MB
│   Modern Japanese Buddhism in the context of interreligious dialogue, nationalism and World War II.3539495.pdf 2.48 MB
│   Modernity, marriage, and religion Buddhist marriages 3125452.pdf 38.04 MB
│   Modification and characterization of montmorillonite clay for the extraction of zearalenone3400265.pdf 4.44 MB
│   Mogao Cave 254 A case study in early Chinese Buddhist9006233.pdf 19.19 MB
│   Monks, merchants, and a moral economy Visual 3088782.pdf 21.33 MB
│   Monks, merchants, and a moral economy Visual culture and the practice of faith in the Divyavadana3088782.pdf 21.33 MB
│   Moral motivation and comparative ethics Bonaventure, Buddhaghosa, and the problem of material simplicity3195003.pdf 18.56 MB
│   Morimura Yasumasa A cross-cultural study in the3031305.pdf 27.12 MB
│   Muan Xingtao An Obaku Zen master of the seventeenth century in China and Japan1503500.pdf 2.74 MB
│   Mud and Ashes.1425686.pdf 53.81 MB
│   Multireligious experience and pluralist attitude RaimonNQ54046.pdf 16.27 MB
│   Music as symbol, music as emissary A study of the Kalypso and the Baila of Sri Lanka3251494.pdf 25.51 MB
│   Music associations of village rituals in the rural areas of Hebei Province (China)3001531.pdf 14.96 MB
│   Myogenic transformation of emotions A dialectical 3203159.pdf 19.37 MB
│   Myogenic transformation of emotions A dialectical inquiry into Western psychotherapy and Buddhist psychology3203159.pdf 19.37 MB
│   Nationalism in an international city Creating a Chinese Harbin, 1916-1932.9831404.pdf 12.65 MB
│   Nature and culture in Thailand The implementation of9129697.pdf 5.93 MB
│   Navigating learning in Bhutan, land of the thunder dragon3371687.pdf 593.03 KB
│   Negotiating ecofeminism Religious women and environmental protection in contemporary Taiwan (China)3031532.pdf 12.58 MB
│   Negotiating race and religion in American Buddhism Burmese Buddhism in California.3129393.pdf 10.48 MB
│   New Moon3309089.pdf 4.10 MB
│   Nibbana in Theravada perspective with special reference to Buddhism in Burma3093559.pdf 8.91 MB
│   Nichirenism as modernism Imperialism, Fascism, and Buddhism in modern Japan3222992.pdf 3.18 MB
│   Nirvana for sale Buddhism, wealth, and modernity in contemporary Thailand3071657.pdf 9.49 MB
│   Nirvana imagery in medieval Chinese art.3125672.pdf 30.98 MB
│   Novel Ridens in Ming-Qing fiction Pathetic humor in and of Honglou meng (Cao Xuequin, China)9947488.pdf 20.53 MB
│   Novel Ridens in Ming-Qing fiction Pathetic humor in and9947488.pdf 20.53 MB
│   Of merit and ancestors Buddhist banners of northern3350545.pdf 8.87 MB
│   Omniscience and the rhetoric of reason in the Tattvasamgraha and the Tattvasamgrahapanjika (Santaraksita, Kamalasila, India).3038480.pdf 21.81 MB
│   Omniscience and the rhetoric of reason in the3038480.pdf 21.81 MB
│   On Chen Yuan's study of religions3203183.pdf 11.26 MB
│   On compassion, a new philosophy of education and living in the question An inward journey to the heart of the practice of inquiry3089858.pdf 5.44 MB
│   On supreme bliss A study of the history and interpretation of the Cakrasamvara Tantra9998161.pdf 42.00 MB
│   On the path, off the trail Gary Snyder's education and the makings of American Zen3111721.pdf 65.75 MB
│   Ontology of love The religio-philosophical thought of Paul Tillich and Zen Buddhism9120777.pdf 13.32 MB
│   Opening the roads History and religion in post-Soviet Buryatia3387019.pdf 17.31 MB
│   Organizational identity in an institution of higher 3053600.pdf 5.38 MB
│   Osun of Osogbo and Osun in the New WorldNR49107.pdf 10.17 MB
│   Pagoda and transformation The making of medieval Chinese visuality9721702.pdf 12.99 MB
│   Paramita3513537.pdf 3.20 MB
│   Participatory peacemaking Socio-ethical implications3324324.pdf 2.90 MB
│   Parting a curtain A study of Buddhist themes in the1431181.pdf 9.37 MB
│   Patronage and Meaning of Tibetan Buddhist Temples 3491980.pdf 13.03 MB
│   Penetrating the Secret Essence Tantra Context and3137292.pdf 4.77 MB
│   Philosophical contexts for Wo˘nhyo's interpretation of Buddhism3078359.pdf 10.53 MB
│   Picturing the Dhamma Text and image in late colonial Sri Lanka3425761.pdf 29.59 MB
│   Piecemeal streams in Yogacarin themes William James and Vasubandhu (Buddhism)MQ44108.pdf 4.25 MB
│   Pierre Bonnard, le nabi tres japonard (France)3064920.pdf 11.54 MB
│   Pieties and responsibilities Buddhism and the Chinese literati, 780-12809803215.pdf 19.12 MB
│   Pilgrimage to the illusory The Tibetan Buddhist revival3230691.pdf 14.04 MB
│   Pivots of meaning in the teaching of the way A transtextual study of a set of terms from the Daojiao yishu3281824.pdf 13.47 MB
│   Poem as psychopomp, poem as prayer A reading of T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets 3084886.pdf 10.48 MB
│   Poetics of emptiness Transformations of East Asian philosophy and poetics in twentieth-century American poetry.3226882.pdf 3.61 MB
│   Political history of the Kingdom of Lo Mustang (Tibet, Nepal, China)9948967.pdf 10.95 MB
│   Politics in the Moral Universe Burmese Buddhist Political Thought3542406.pdf 3.50 MB
│   Politics of the sacred9990236.pdf 19.65 MB
│   Poststructuralist environmentalism and beyond Ecoconsciousness in Snyder, Kingsolver, and Momaday.9625398.pdf 10.07 MB
│   Pound, Williams, and Chinese poetry The shaping of a Modernist tradition, 1913-19239209660.pdf 8.30 MB
│   Powerful warriors and influential clergy Interaction and3090526.pdf 20.82 MB
│   Practice and emptiness in the Discourse Record of 3312614.pdf 15.62 MB
│   Practice and emptiness in the Discourse Record of Ruru3312614.pdf 15.62 MB
│   Practice and theory of emptiness A study of Jizang3373762.pdf 5.94 MB
│   Pre-Islamic Turkish elements in the art of the Seljuqid period (1040--1194)MQ70619.pdf 8.94 MB
│   Precious scrolls in Chinese popular religious culture9501508.pdf 11.35 MB
│   Presence, clarity and the space of receptivity inNR10435.pdf 9.35 MB
│   Princely patronage in the scholarly world of Sui and Early Tang China (581-713)3374822.pdf 5.54 MB
│   Princely patronage in the scholarly world of Sui and3374822.pdf 5.54 MB
│   Principles and practices of Buddhist education in AsangaNN98210.pdf 10.97 MB
│   Printing, power, and the transformation of Vietnamese 9527380.pdf 13.87 MB
│   Profiting the treasure house Monasteries and land in thirteenth-century China3003576.pdf 10.08 MB
│   Profiting the treasure house Monasteries and land in3003576.pdf 10.08 MB
│   Prolonged response The Kyoto School and the new3295551.pdf 1.36 MB
│   Psychological effects of one-month mindfulness meditation retreats3351318.pdf 0.98 MB
│   Psychology without self An Abhidhamma Buddhist perspective on the alleviation of suffering3265856.pdf 2.77 MB
│   Quantification and characterization of mycotoxins, masked mycotoxins, and Fusarium graminearum pigment3335103.pdf 2.15 MB
│   Quanzhou Kaiyuan Monastery Architecture, iconography and social contexts3309521.pdf 44.07 MB
│   Quest for the true visage Sacred images in medieval Chinese Buddhist art and the concept of zhen3526276.pdf 5.14 MB
│   Re-Gendering Buddhism Postcolonialism, Gender, and the Princess Miaoshan Legend3462866.pdf 12.46 MB
│   Re-visioning and Investigating Portraiture Representing the Immaterial and Incorporeal SelfMR67278.pdf 2.71 MB
│   Reading Tang Xian-zu in the late twentieth century9735495.pdf 11.73 MB
│   Rebirth and karmic retribution in fifth-century China3301313.pdf 2.68 MB
│   Recapturing charisma Emotion and rationalization in a 3002600.pdf 13.44 MB
│   Recapturing charisma Emotion and rationalization in a globalizing Buddhist movement from Taiwan (China).3002600.pdf 13.44 MB
│   Reconsidering Obaku Zen and the foundation of the ink paintings of Ito Jakuchu.1432446.pdf 7.61 MB
│   Recontextualization, Exegesis, and Logic Kuiji's (632-682) Methodological Restructuring of Chinese Buddhism.3446127.pdf 8.68 MB
│   Rediscovering buranagarn Buddhist public relations in 3073371.pdf 7.89 MB
│   Reinhold Niebuhr's paradoxical anthropology and his 3326348.pdf 4.13 MB
│   Rejuvenating China Hsu Ti-shan's (1893-1941) quest for a religious formula9634932.pdf 8.71 MB
│   Religion, science, and the conscious self3456073.pdf 3.63 MB
│   Religious bodies politic Rituals of sovereignty in Buryat Buddhism3408262.pdf 1.12 MB
│   Religious experiences of Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian international students3194332.pdf 19.09 MB
│   Religious experiences of Buddhist, Muslim, and3194332.pdf 19.09 MB
│   Remaking lineage Revival of lineage in Yang Village9907807.pdf 18.90 MB
│   Rendering the body Buddhist Sermonizing in medieval 3168275.pdf 39.04 MB
│   Rendition techniques in the Chinese translation of three Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures9971047.pdf 17.30 MB
│   Representing the Daoist god Zhenwu, the Perfected Warrior, in late imperial China3307180.pdf 63.66 MB
│   Reproducing the Sacred Places the Eight Great Events of the Buddha's Life and their Commemorative Stupas in the Medieval Art of Tibet (10th -13th century)3447223.pdf 41.30 MB
│   Returning home A comparative study of Zhuang Zi and Meister Eckhart (Daoism, Christianity, mysticism)1381423.pdf 3.79 MB
│   Rhetoric, ritual, and support constituencies in the political authority of Wu Zhao, woman emperor of China.3087337.pdf 16.03 MB
│   Rhetorical Motives for Engagement in Dialogues Between Buddhism and Science3575193.pdf 10.88 MB
│   Rising China's Regional Policy in East Asia A3448027.pdf 4.62 MB
│   Risk factors of diarrheal diseases in the south of Thailand Buddhist and Muslim comparison9506215.pdf 5.12 MB
│   Risk factors of diarrheal diseases in the south of9506215.pdf 5.12 MB
│   Ritual music in the court and rulership of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911)9837606.pdf 13.02 MB
│   Ritualizing The Journey to the West (China).3197496.pdf 12.57 MB
│   Road dust heavengoing Reading the development of 1474805.pdf 289.09 KB
│   Ruling the East Russian urban administration and the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese in Vladivostok, 1884--1922.3112608.pdf 19.77 MB
│   Sacred geography Shamanism in the Buddhist republics of Russia9830437.pdf 24.07 MB
│   Sacred gospel and the Soka Gakkai Correlating Black liberation theology and Buddhist humanism3411004.pdf 3.96 MB
│   Sacred literature into liturgy Jingyuan (1011--1088) and the development of the Avatam˙saka liturgy in Song China3084933.pdf 19.15 MB
│   Sacrifice and salvation in medieval Japan Hunting and3162353.pdf 67.32 MB
│   Samuel Bourne and 19th-century British landscape photography in India9204617.pdf 21.62 MB
│   Sanskrit Beyond Text The Use of Bonji (Siddham) in Mandala and Other Imagery in Ancient and Medieval Japan1515890.pdf 10.27 MB
│   Santiphum Khmer A Buddhist way to peace9334945.pdf 13.91 MB
│   Sapugaskanda Rajamahavihara A monograph of an eighteenth century peripheral temple of Sri Lanka and an exposition of the architecture and visual narratives of its image house1477059.pdf 8.64 MB
│   Searching for the origins of Mahayana and moving toward a better understanding of early Mahayana9827127.pdf 10.53 MB
│   Seeking life balance The perceptions of health of Cambodian women in resettlement3169422.pdf 63.96 MB
│   Seeking the Blessing Social Change in Central Hunan from Song to Qing Dynasty3537613.pdf 7.31 MB
│   Seeking the Blessing Social Change in Central Hunan3537613.pdf 7.31 MB
│   Sekimon Shingaku The popularization of the learning of the mind in eighteenth century Japan9118640.pdf 20.56 MB
│   Selections from the life of a Tibetan Buddhist polymath3203753.pdf 23.89 MB
│   Self-cultivation and Quanzhen Daoism with special NQ69073.pdf 9.85 MB
│   Semiotics of self in theology A comparative study of9328537.pdf 12.40 MB
│   Sesshu Toyo's selective assimilation of Ming Chinese painting elements1538562.pdf 7.20 MB
│   Setsuwa, knowledge, and the culture of reading and writing in medieval Japan3043889.pdf 24.35 MB
│   Sexuality and spirituality Subjectivity and resistance in the works of Setouchi Jakucho3225480.pdf 30.59 MB
│   Sexuality and spirituality Subjectivity and resistance in3225480.pdf 30.59 MB
│   Shadows and echoes of the mind Hanshan Deqing's3158171.pdf 22.68 MB
│   Shaping sacred space Studies in the ritual architecture3386118.pdf 82.93 MB
│   Sheng guan in the past and present Tradition, adaptation3321348.pdf 18.16 MB
│   Sheng guan in the past and present Tradition3321348.pdf 18.16 MB
│   Shinran's dream The importance of Shotoku worship in Shinran's Amida Buddhism3005748.pdf 12.34 MB
│   Siming Zhili and Tiantai Pure Land in the Song dynasty. (Volumes I and II).9426193.pdf 21.34 MB
│   Singers of Sipsongbanna Folklore and authenticity in contemporary China9937716.pdf 15.58 MB
│   Singing the lives of the Buddha Lao folk opera as an educational medium9329569.pdf 13.24 MB
│   Situated Humanitarianism Doing Good in the Aftermath of Disaster in Sri Lanka3565421.pdf 25.71 MB
│   Situated Humanitarianism Doing Good in the3565421.pdf 25.71 MB
│   Sky is mindscape Miyazawa Kenji's Spring and Asura1453519.pdf 1.44 MB
│   Soka Gakkai in Japan3377997.pdf 10.36 MB
│   Somatic mindfulness and energetic presence in 3037968.pdf 18.14 MB
│   Songs of ourselves Xu Wei's (1521--1593) Four Cries of a Gibbon (Sisheng yuan)3312610.pdf 13.52 MB
│   Speaking with and away A Buddhist-Christian meta-dialogue (Nagarjuna, Saint John of the Cross)3073686.pdf 11.82 MB
│   Spiritual restoration and religious reinvention in late Meiji Japan The Three Religions Conference and religious nationalism3115389.pdf 27.77 MB
│   Spiritual seekers in a fluid landscape A Chinese Buddhist3161894.pdf 5.49 MB
│   Strategic alliances The complex relationship between Japanese and Korean Buddhism, 1877--1912.3265144.pdf 17.91 MB
│   Stress reduction for youth through mindfulness and loving-kindness meditationMQ61471.pdf 4.57 MB
│   Strip culture Emergent identities in the suburban landscape1466802.pdf 3.08 MB
│   Study of amber in Qidan culture and art3203178.pdf 25.58 MB
│   Syncretism A study of Toshodai-ji Wayo architectural and cultural elements1454598.pdf 28.57 MB
│   Syncretize Linking tradition and todayMR67404.pdf 4.29 MB
│   Synthesizing a liturgical heritage Abhayakaragupta's Vajravali and the Kalacakramandala3089732.pdf 35.04 MB
│   Taijiquan and the search for the little old Chinese man Ritualizing race through martial arts (China)3116307.pdf 25.54 MB
│   Taiwanese Married Women's Lived Experience of Zen Meditation3615320.pdf 832.16 KB
│   Taixu's (1890--1947) Creation of Humanistic Buddhism3515522.pdf 16.07 MB
│   Taking refuge in the Dharma Post-colonialism, ritual3313235.pdf 12.11 MB
│   Tales of the Great Brahmin Creative traditions of the9972423.pdf 19.76 MB
│   Tangled in Indra's net A discussion of Buddhism and environmentalism1393138.pdf 7.43 MB
└─涉佛英文论文-3 (0 folders, 272 files, 3.81 GB, 3.81 GB in total.)
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    The overseas Chinese in seventeenth-century Nagasaki (Japan).3106615.pdf 12.45 MB
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